Laura French | April 28, 2020
From Pantry to Pretty: All The Hair Treatments You Can Make At Home

Image by Madison Reed
On the hunt for more projects and crafts to do around the house? We hear that...we’ve been reading, bingeing TV, piecing together puzzles, knitting, giving ourselves mani-pedis, and taking on home improvement projects like nobody’s business. Here’s what’s next on the docket: turning our kitchens into our personal beauty salons. It’s time to show your hair some extra love with pantry staples you almost certainly have left over from your last grocery delivery. You’ve probably heard of a few home remedies, but which ones actually work? We did the research, so you can do the treatments...this afternoon, if the mood strikes.
Does beer make hair shiny?
Absolutely! We recommend using a stout like Guinness. Pour a bottle over freshly washed hair (skipping your conditioner), then let it sit for a minute or two before rinsing thoroughly with warm water. The perfect accompaniment to your next Zoom happy hour.
Does avocado condition?
Yes. You can use avocado as a hair mask—and even mash a little banana in there for good measure, depending on what’s in your fruit basket. Apply all over damp hair from roots to ends, then hang out for twenty minutes before shampooing in the shower. Apply your usual conditioner and style as you normally would.
Do eggs strengthen hair?
Nope. You can use egg whites as a face mask, if you’re so inclined, but they won’t do anything special for your hair. Save the eggs for your next baking project.
Is maple syrup hydrating, like a deep conditioner?
Nope. Stick to the pancakes and the waffles you’re used to, maple syrup. Breakfast for dinner, anyone?
Does baking soda work like a clarifying shampoo?
We don’t recommend using baking soda on your hair, mainly because there is no research that supports it. While some people report loving this natural method, others say that baking soda actually damaged their hair. We say, skip it.
Should you hold the mayo?
Not necessarily. Mayonnaise contains L-cysteine, a powerful antioxidant, and can be used as a deep conditioning treatment on dry hair. Apply to wet hair, concentrating on the damaged ends. Cover your hair with a shower cap and wait for 30 minutes, then rinse and shampoo extra thoroughly (you know, so you don’t smell like mayo).
Olive oil does...something, right?
Yes, definitely! Olive oil will make hair soft, strong, and shiny. Apply slightly warmed olive oil to dry hair, or apply to damp hair before wrapping a hot towel around your head. The heat will help the oil penetrate the hair cuticle. Sleep on it—your hair will thank you for the extra TLC.
We can’t wait to raid our fridges and pantries for these home hair remedies. Will you be “joining” us from your own kitchen salon? Tell us what treatments you’ll be trying in the comments.

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