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Madison Reed | August 17, 2023

Red Hair Color Tips

Red Hair Color Tips for Coloring Hair at Home Madison Reed

Image by Madison Reed

Red hair is not just a color. It's a statement of passion, adventure, and individuality. Is it any wonder, then, that so many of us dream of going red? Whether you’re following the latest hair color trends or you’ve always wanted to turn heads in red, keep reading, because we’re about to share our top red hair coloring tips just for you!

Tips for Coloring Hair Red

Want to dye your hair red, but a little hesitant to take the leap? (After all, who hasn’t had a friend or loved one end up with a color that’s not quite what they imagined?) Fear not! When done properly, you can achieve that ravishing red hair color you’ve always wanted—just check out these red hair color tips for results you’re sure to love!

Choose the Right Shade

Your perfect hair color might be explained by astrology, but the right red for you will actually complement your natural hair color and skin tone, and is dependent on your natural hair color, gray percentage, and if your hair is already color-treated. 

Want to find the perfect red shade for you? Take our online Color Quiz, or talk to a Madison Reed licensed colorist —they’ll help you find the shade that works best for you. Our licensed professionals are available through video chat and email—or you can schedule an in-person visit at one of our 85+ Hair Color Bars nationwide.

Madison Reed Hair Color Bar 84th and Broadway NYC

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Consider Choosing a Darker Shade

We all try to avoid color fading, but it happens—that’s just the nature of hair color. One thing you can do to counter color fade is apply Color Reviving Gloss to your mid-lengths and ends. This can help enhance faded color, boost shine, and add warmth and dimension. You can also opt for a darker shade. In this case, the color will gradually fade, allowing you to enjoy your red locks for longer.

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Use Color-Depositing Hair Masks

One of our top tips for maintaining red hair at home is utilizing color-depositing hair masks. This restorative treatment enhances your color and adds intense hydration in just 5 minutes! Don’t hesitate to apply at least twice a week. Pro tip: frequency of use should depend on how much color deposit and conditioning you need.

Red Hair Color Tips Zucca Hair Mask Madison Reed

Don’t Wash Your Hair Too Often

Wait, washing your hair is good, right? Not always. One of the most important tips for maintaining red hair is: do not overwash your hair. With every application of shampoo, color tends to fade. It doesn’t mean you should avoid washing your hair altogether, but doing it every day can strip away the vibrant red pigments you love much faster than you like. Aim for washing your hair every two to three days using cool water and a sulfate-free shampoo specifically designed for red hair. This way, you'll preserve your stunning red hue while keeping your locks looking fresh and fabulous.

Red-Color Shot- Shampoo

Plum and then Some - Before - Dark

Find Your Perfect Shade

Take our 2 minute quiz to get your colorist-approved hair color match!

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Avoid the Sun and Other Heat Sources

High temperatures can force red pigments to leave the hair, causing color to fade much more quickly. So, wear hats to protect your red hair color from the sun, turn the water temperature down a bit while taking a shower, and avoid heated hair dryers and other similar equipment. We also recommend Bonding Time Bond Building Treatment to strengthen hair and help protect your hair color.

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Conditioner Is a Must

Finally, our last red hair coloring tip is: absolutely use conditioner. Find one with a formula designed with red color in mind and use it regularly. Conditioners and shampoos are a must when it comes to proper hair color maintenance, so you should not overlook this super-important step!

The Takeaway

Whether you're going for a subtle strawberry blonde or a bold beautiful auburn, coloring your hair red can be a thrilling journey of self-discovery and reinvention. We hope our tips for coloring and maintaining red hair will leave you feeling better prepared for your next hair coloring adventure. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. And, if you are looking for a place to get your hair colored professionally, check our 85+ Hair Color Bar locations nationwide and let a Madison Reed colorist give you the red hair color you’ve always dreamed of!

Are you looking for more information about red hair? Check our previous article to learn more red-hot hair facts!